Audio Books

Here is an audio book for Esperanza Rising. It is not separated into chapters so here are the chapter break times.

Esperanza Rising (Part 1)

0:00 Aguascalientes
3:34 Las uvas
23:41 Las papayas
40:57 p. 37 page break
42:40 Los Higos
52:00 p. 46 page break
57:00 p. 50 page break
59:41 p. 53 page break
1:02:01 p. 55 page break
1:04:06 Las guayabas
1:12:12 p. 65 break
1:19:25  p. 72 break (and then continues into part 2)

Esperanza Rising (Part 2)

8:37 Los melones
12:55 p. 85 break
22:45  p. 93 break
29:38 Las cebollas
36:25 p. 106 break
44:18 p.113 break
47:07 p. 116 break
52:21 Las almendras
56:46 p. 125 break
1:01:49 p. 129 break
1:06:02 p.133 break
1:11:42 Las ciruelas
1:16:53 p. 143 break

Esperanza Rising (Part 3)

7:32 p. 153 break
12:31 Las papas
16:50 p. 161 break
20:20 p. 164 break
22:42 p. 167 break
28:44 p. 173 break
33:00 p. 176 break
34:36 Las aguacates
38:13 p. 182 break
41:11 p. 185 break
56:07 Los esparragos
1:01:51 p. 204 break
1:08:10 p. 210 break
1:09:55 p. 211 break
1:11:28 Los duraznos
1:14:24 p. 216 break

Esperanza Rising (Part 4)

4:50 p. 225 break
9:41 p. 229 break
11:58 p. 231 break
14:26 Las uvas
29:42 p. 247 break

Here is the audio for Island of the Blue Dolphins. It is not separated into chapters so I have provided the chapter breaks below.

Island of the Blue Dolphins (part 1)

Ch. 1    0:00
Ch. 2    10:47
Ch. 3    19:02
Ch. 4    23:44
Ch. 5    31:22
Ch. 6    37:38
Ch. 7    44:07
Ch. 8    50:57
Ch. 9    1:02:35
Ch. 10    1:16:06

Island of the Blue Dolphins (part 2)

Ch. 11    9:06
Ch. 12    15:28
Ch. 13    23:24
Ch. 14    31:23
Ch. 15    37:55
Ch. 16    49:00
Ch. 17    57:10
Ch. 18    1:06:17
Ch. 19    1:11:14

Island of the Blue Dolphins (part3)

Ch. 20     2:36
Ch. 21    13:40
Ch. 22    23:36
Ch. 23    31:14
Ch. 24    36:50
Ch. 25    43:31
Ch. 26    48:27
Ch. 27    53:24
Ch. 28    1:02:00
Ch. 29    1:08:56

Here is the audiobook for By the Great Horn Spoon:

Great website for By the Great Horn Spoon

By the Great Horn Spoon - Part 1

(Chapters 1- 8) Here are the chapter time breaks:

Ch. 1     0:00
Ch. 2:    23:12
Ch. 3:     38:32
Ch. 4    51:59
Ch. 5    1:07:38
Ch. 6    1:19:52
Ch. 7    1:33:22
Ch. 8    1:48:29

By the Great Horn Spoon - Part 2

(Chapters 9 - 18) Here are the chapter time breaks:

Ch. 9      0:00
Ch. 10    7:23
Ch. 11    20:50
Ch. 12    40:03
Ch. 13    47:44
Ch. 14    1:09:21
Ch. 15    1:15:49
Ch. 16    1:30:00
Ch. 17    1:43:07
Ch. 18    1:58:36

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