Supplies List

Please note that none of these are required and are voluntary. The first two items are the most important. Please try and bring them the first week of school. The ones that follow are optional. If you have trouble getting these things I will be using classroom donations to purchase them for those who can't.

1. A favorite picture!: I like to display pictures of the kids in the class. They can be with family, doing things they love, photos from vacations, or just a favorite. I would love to have one from everyone! Please send a 4 x 6 photo so we can put them in class. I plan on attaching them with a magnet and making a collage of photos on a new magnetic whiteboard!

2. A sticker for the podium: I have a podium in front of the class that is littered with cool stickers, but there is still some room left. I would love to add to it!

The following items are optional supplies that kids can bring if they want. We have many of these supplies in class already, but some kids like to have their own special things.

- Pencil box: 
In an effort to reduce the amount of junk kids keep in their desks I have traded my individual desks for tables. Kids will be sitting and large table with no space to accumulate unnecessary junk! There will always be a communal supply box and other necessary supplies, but kids might enjoy having their own box too. I have purchased a small pencil bag and would love if kids tried that first, but some might prefer a pencil box instead.

- Pencils, pens, colored pencils (already supplied but some kids like to have their own special supplies)

- Erasers (also supplied)

Please don't bring a binder unless you plan on keeping it in your backpack. There will be no space for it (due to change to tables). If you like to use it to organize work in your backpack that is perfectly fine!